
Apr 27, 2012

Energy of mind.

To be having a mind full of energy is vital for any success or progress you wish for. Journey to any achievement involves tough path where it takes every bit of energy you have to keep you moving forward towards your goal. While physical illness, negative thoughts, negative energy of others can reduce your energy, you may need to put some effort to flush out all these with positive thoughts and keep going. Telling your mind consciously how much happiness a success can bring and how things can change will boost your energy.

It is easier said than done to keep an energetic mindset always. Sometimes we even lack the energy to crawl out of bed the day on a rainy day. Or to go for that outing when you are just not feeling well. Sometimes we just want to stay dormant. It is not that bad, is it? I mean it will be weird if we run around 365 days full of energy. Just remember to come off the phase quick and return to the hyper-active busy body you are... :)

Apr 26, 2012


 People in general do not like change. We find it tough to step out of our comfort zones. Whenever an opportunity knocks our door, we tend to think "Hmm, why should I go for this?, I am fine this way...". Years later when you look back, you might even think "I could have done something while I had better health and opportunity"... Do not let that happen!

Even you are very busy, squeeze in some time for some fun! Learn a language, Join some club and do some activities, go for some sports, find a new hobby... any, spend time with family(parents,spouse and kids), sing, dance, try everything you have talent for and those you don't. Last but not the least, dream about achieving one step higher than what you have already and achieve it...


Apr 25, 2012

DSL at 100Mbps?!

DSL (Digital subscriber line) is a family of technologies that provide internet access by transmitting digital data over the wires of a local telephone network. The data bit rate of consumer DSL services typically ranges from 256 kbit/s to 40 Mbit/s, contrasting to a 100Mbit/s of an optic fiber transmission. While running fiber to millions of individual homes is one expensive construction project, Alcatel-Lucent() announces commercial rollout of a latest DSL technology, called VDSL2, with vectoring. VDSL2 vectoring can use legacy telephone access networks with a data rate 3 times of conventional DSL i.e; 100Mbps!

Michael Peeters, chief technology officer of Alcatel-Lucent’s wire-line division, says "Cross talk limits bandwidth by corrupting the signals that are transmitting information.Cross talk can be eliminated by estimating how much one line is leaking into another and then cancelling out that interference with calculations performed by hardware installed in the street cabinet. Cross talk estimation uses what’s called an error vector, which is sent from a user’s home equipment back to the cabinet. The receiving equipment there knows what the signal should look like, and the difference is a good measure of the amount of cross talk between a wire and all the wires around it."

A basic vectored DSL system.

The term vector is used because the DSL’s individual physical layer voltages can be viewed as a coordinated set or vector of voltages. The group or vector is processed by a common signal processing device for downstream transmission and also for upstream reception as shown in Figure. Essentially, the vector/MIMO processor performs pre-processing of the transmitted signal in downstream transmission via pre-coding or linear pre-filtering, and joint processing of the received signals in the upstream via receive filtering and successive cancellation. This group processing allows cancellation or removal of crosstalk. The gain from the vectoring is largest when all the lines in the binder are processed simultaneously, but even partial vectoring or independent cancellation by different operators provide significant improvement over non-vectored systems.

Level 3 DSM is known as vectoring (Ginis and Cioffi, 2002) and allows for special processing methods in a DSLAM to essentially eliminate all crosstalk between lines, leading to 100s of Mbps speeds in DSL.

Apr 24, 2012

get the list and status of device drivers(modules) loaded

The command "lsmod" lists the loaded modules and their status. It prints the content of  /proc/modules file.

#lsmod [-h, -V]

It outputs the following columns:
Module, Size, Used by.
(name of the module; it's size; number of referring modules {use count}and list of referring modules).

# lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by
af_packet              27392  2

To unload a loaded module:

#rmmod [modulename]

rmmod  will  refuse to unload modules which are in use(use count != 0).
-w --wait option:  rmmod will isolate  the  module,  and wait  until  the module is no longer used.
-f --force option:  rmmod removes modules which are being used, or which are not designed to be removed
 or have been marked as unsafe. It has no effect unless CONFIG_MODULE_FORCE_UNLOAD was set
 when kernel was compiled.

Apr 12, 2012

Tokyo Sky Tree

"Tokyo Sky Tree" is located in the Narihirabashi/Oshiage area of Sumida Ward, Tokyo in 2012. It reached its full height of 634.0 metres (2,080 ft) in March 2011, making it the tallest tower in the world, displacing the Canton Tower, and the second tallest structure in the world after Burj Khalifa (829.84 m/2,723 ft).

The base of the tower has a structure similar to a tripod; from a height of about 350 m (1,150 ft) and above, the tower's structure is cylindrical to withstand very strong winds. Needless to say. the tower is designed seismic proof. Officially the colour of Sky Tree is "Sky Tree White". This is an original colour based on a bluish white traditional Japanese colour called aijiro. At first site it looks silver or that kind of metallic white.

There are said to be two illumination patterns (sky blue and purple), but we will have to wait until the Tower opens on 22 May 2012 to know for real. Tower looks magnificient lighted up, they do a testing once in a while. A not-so-clear video is here:


Design Concept is said "To not only be the world's highest, but the world's most striking in appearance and affinity". And "To Be a New Symbol of Tradition and the Cutting Edge, To Be the Gate to Urban Revitalization, To Be a Tower Watching Over Safety and Security".

Here is the official website!

Sakura and Sky tree.


About Me

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There are a lot of fun things I do and want to do in my life. If you ask me what is the objective of my life, I would say that I want to experience a lot of things so that when I look back from old age I have lot of good memories.... I write this blog to show you a glimpse of what all I do, think, like, wish for etc... Motto: Dream high and work hard to realize it.


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