
Apr 24, 2012

get the list and status of device drivers(modules) loaded

The command "lsmod" lists the loaded modules and their status. It prints the content of  /proc/modules file.

#lsmod [-h, -V]

It outputs the following columns:
Module, Size, Used by.
(name of the module; it's size; number of referring modules {use count}and list of referring modules).

# lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by
af_packet              27392  2

To unload a loaded module:

#rmmod [modulename]

rmmod  will  refuse to unload modules which are in use(use count != 0).
-w --wait option:  rmmod will isolate  the  module,  and wait  until  the module is no longer used.
-f --force option:  rmmod removes modules which are being used, or which are not designed to be removed
 or have been marked as unsafe. It has no effect unless CONFIG_MODULE_FORCE_UNLOAD was set
 when kernel was compiled.

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