
Apr 27, 2012

Energy of mind.

To be having a mind full of energy is vital for any success or progress you wish for. Journey to any achievement involves tough path where it takes every bit of energy you have to keep you moving forward towards your goal. While physical illness, negative thoughts, negative energy of others can reduce your energy, you may need to put some effort to flush out all these with positive thoughts and keep going. Telling your mind consciously how much happiness a success can bring and how things can change will boost your energy.

It is easier said than done to keep an energetic mindset always. Sometimes we even lack the energy to crawl out of bed the day on a rainy day. Or to go for that outing when you are just not feeling well. Sometimes we just want to stay dormant. It is not that bad, is it? I mean it will be weird if we run around 365 days full of energy. Just remember to come off the phase quick and return to the hyper-active busy body you are... :)

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There are a lot of fun things I do and want to do in my life. If you ask me what is the objective of my life, I would say that I want to experience a lot of things so that when I look back from old age I have lot of good memories.... I write this blog to show you a glimpse of what all I do, think, like, wish for etc... Motto: Dream high and work hard to realize it.


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